Category Archives: brine roast pork New Year’s turnip greens

New Year’s Pork Roast

This is another way I sneak not only ‘lucky’ New Year’s greens into my kids on New Year’s Day, but a good way to get greens into the little critters anytime.

New Year’s Pork Roast

1 2-3 lb pork tenderloin, brined
2 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
½ cup of dark greens, such as turnip, kale, collard or spinach*

Preheat oven to 500F.
If using fresh greens, blanch, drain and squeeze dry. If using frozen greens,
Drain loin from the brine and pat dry. Slice roast in a spiral, laying open on a sheet of plastic wrap. Cover with another sheet of plastic wrap, and pound out roast with a mallet until approximately 1/2 inch thick. Remove wrap, and paint the topside of the roast with first the honey in a very thin layer, then the Dijon. Often I use a bit more Dijon. Spread the greens on top of the Dijon in a thin, even layer.
Starting at one narrower side, roll the roast. Using three lengths of butcher’s twine, tie the roast securely, then place on a rack in a roasting pan, seam side down. Insert meat thermometer into center of roast.
Start roast in a very hot oven for half an hour, then reduce temperature to 350F. Roast for approximately 45 minutes to an hour longer – or until thermometer reads 135F. Pull from oven and allow to rest for 15 minutes, with a final temperature reading of 145F.
To serve, cut slices about ½ inch thick. This is allows the pretty contrasting spiral to show.

*If using spinach, omit the honey. Spinach doesn’t have the slight bitter note that the darker, sturdier greens have, and the honey is not only not needed, but just flat tastes odd.

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Filed under brine roast pork New Year's turnip greens